Teddy Walters

Teddy is a designer with El Dorado’s Kansas City office. Originally from St. Louis and a recent graduate of Kansas State University, Teddy’s involvement with El Dorado first began with his participation in KSU’s Design+Make studio, a research-based architectural enterprise where graduate students develop their passion for innovative problem-solving, focused on community needs. During 2022-2023 academic year, Teddy, along with his peers, traveled to the Yucatan penninsula, explored the area and a sustainable idea of ‘place’ through the lens of form, space, order, culture, history and authenticity. At it’s completion, the studio was awarded the 2023 Kremer prize for Outstanding Collaborative Design.

Teddy is passionate about the study of alternative building techniques and materials. He was able to utilize this knowledge in his contribution to the design and construction of the first standalone Hempcrete structure in Kansas. Currently, Teddy is working on a wide-range of projects including fabrication and installation of Kansas City PBS’s iconic new staircase, a central feature to the newly completed office addition and renovation.

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Kansas City PBS